Do you maze?

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An exploration into AI Image Maze Generation

AI generated art is changing and challenging the art world. There are questions we are dealing with that are coming at us quickly and have yet to be answered by society (or in some cases, the courts). What is ethical and unethical when creating AI artwork ? Can you copyright AI artwork ? (So far courts have said they will rule on a case by case basis). What learning inputs can and should be used to create AI art (and what should not) ? There are already many lawsuits about this. Can an AI generated piece of art be entered into a contest against humans and win ethically ? Will fake images be created of newsworthy events that are fake ? Yes. In the past US courts have said they will only grant copyrights to human beings…maybe you remember the lawsuit about the selfie by the monkey Naruto. Now courts will have to deal with AI and all the layers that entails. I don’t know the answers to these questions, but they will be figured out soon (probably). What I want to explore with you is the making of a specific kind of art using AI, maze art. It is what I like to do, and what this entire website is dedicated to. In a series of posts, I want to size up the AI competition. There will not be a focus on humans with their complicated hands and fingers to mess up the AI image generators, so I think we will be ok.

I picked 10 prompts which I am going to use on a variety of AI image sites (honestly - the free ones for now) and see what they come up with. I am not sure what I will find, but I am going to take you along for the ride. I am excited to see what they come up with.

Here is an overview the AI artwork blog post series:

  1. Explanation of the exercise - An exploration into Al Image Maze Generation (this post)

  2. Making mazes with AI: Site A

  3. Making mazes with AI: Site B

  4. Making mazes with AI: etc…

  5. Making mazes with AI:

  6. Making mazes with AI:

  7. Making mazes with AI:

  8. Making mazes with AI:

  9. Making mazes with AI:

  10. Making mazes with AI:

  11. Making mazes with AI:

  12. Comparison of 10 AI generating websites - Who did each maze the best ?

  13. Learnings from making mazes with AI, look to the future

What do I hope to accomplish ?

  • See what the competition is. How good is the output.

  • Become more familiar with what AI image generators are capable of

  • Evaluate and compare the different sites to determine how well they create based on my prompts

  • Be inspired (hopefully)

  • Answer the question: Can I compete with AI generated maze art ?

For my featured image for this post I asked StarryAI (one of the AI text to image generators I will review in the series) to generate an image based on the title of this post. Here is what I got:

Not what I expected, but certainly interesting ! Hope you enjoy the series.