Comic Book Review: Mazebook (2022) by Jeff Lemire

Mazebook (2022) by Jeff Lemire AMZN

256 pages, Dark Horse Books

Mazebook Comic Book Covers

I had to include all 5 covers (plus there are even more variations out there that are very cool). I am a big fan of the writing of Jeff Lemire. He is probably my favorite comic book writer and when I saw he had a maze themed comic I had to read it. It did not disappoint. The maze theme was a constant part of the story and layouts of the pages. This is a really well done book and concept. The story follows a grieving father who receives a late night call from his daughter who says she is stuck in a labyrinth. Can he solve the maze and find her ?

The book is full of mazes. Highly recommend it. 9.8/10

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