BMW Welt Maze
Located in Munich, Germany. You can plan your visit on the BMW Welt website, and visit the BMW Museum across the street. The building is free to visit and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Germany. It is no surprise that a company so focused on design would have such great architecture for a building !
Photo: Diego Delso
Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
This is a maze I re-did which you can read about here: Maze of the Week 94 Redux - BMW Welt (MOTW# 166)
The Original Maze: Black and white and formatted to fit on the page.
Here is video of me drawing the building and then making it into the maze you see above !
This is not my only maze from Germany. I also made a maze of the Berlin Planetarium.
The color version: