chicago theatre sign maze
Built in 1921, this famous theatre continues to operate and hosts all types of performing arts performances. It is located in the Loop area of Chicago and is a part of the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. If you plan on visiting here is a link to their website !
Photo: flickr, jphilipg
flickr, jphilipg
The Maze: I used a connected dots maze construction using the small lights that surround the core portion of the sign. I went with a color sign with a black and white background to set the sign apart (similar to what I did with my maze of The Gherkin). I declined to include the corporate branding on the top of the sign. Because of the scale this maze is smaller than most and should be solved zooming in on a screen or printed on large paper. That said the maze is relatively easy.
The colors and effects are off on the SOLVED version but I was not compelled to fix it since it is primarily there for the solution - which is usable !
Here is a video of the Chicago Theatre Sign Maze being made. I have a YouTube channel if you like this type of maze making video.