I have been thinking alot recently about improving my mazes. It started when I found over 20 mazes that I had abandoned for one reason or another. I wrote 2 blog posts about them that you can read here:
Why I abandoned these 10 mazes - Mistakes in Maze making
10 More Abandoned Mazes - Mistakes in Maze Making
But I also knew that a few of these could be salvaged with some work. And that led me to a series of case studies where I evaluated and transformed some of the mazes. I really enjoyed this. I had previously put in work and it was nice to see some of the projects through to completion even if it sometimes meant being creative in my solutions. Today I am doing something similar. These are completed mazes that have been featured as Mazes of the Week previously. I sometimes think I could improve them with some changes. The inspiration came from Maze of the Week #62 that I made of a windmill. When I posted it I thought it was ok…which was not good enough so I made some changes and posted a newer better version the next day.
Initial Maze: ok.
Revised Maze: I decided to add some shadows to improve the maze…and resized it because the lawn in front is too large IMO. Then I added a title. I think this really improved it. I hope you agree !
Here are 6 mazes I am considering improving in some way. I may never actually do all of them, but this is what I am considering:
Museo Soumaya Maze. The simple black and white maze (plus green for the plants) isn’t bad. But colorization would be more accurate. And this building always has interesting shadows on it in photos.
Burj Al Arab Hotel Maze. Colorize. Shadowize (is that a word?). You know this building gets a lot of sun ! That means shadows. I always get a good reaction to this maze and know I could improve it.
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch Maze. The empty band near the top contains a very intricate scene that I never started/completed. I need to find a high quality picture of it…then take the time to draw it but was not sure it would be worth the effort (50 soldiers plus horses ?). Right now the maze does not go into or above that section.
Photo of the monument:
Severance Hall Maze. I already took this from abandoned to MotW status. Now I want to fix the trees, grass and bushes to be more natural. These are flat. I can do better. I have been making better trees and grass recently. So this is an abandoned maze that I revised…and now I want to revise again.
Pro Football Hall of Fame Maze - Colorize. Shadowize.
The Gherkin Maze - The structure of the windows means this could have a really cool hidden solution if I wanted it to. But what should it be ? I already have 2 versions, color and black and white. Do I need a third ?
So those are the 6 mazes that I look at and wonder if I should take the time to improve them. I’m sure a few of them will be done when I have time. If you have a maze you would like to see improved drop me a note !