Lost in the Snack Aisle: Grocery Mazes spotted !

I was shopping for groceries at my local Aldi when I stumbled upon a maze in an unexpected place, on the back of a box of crackers ! Specifically this box of Turtles Baked Extra Cheddar Snack Crackers. So, I did what any normal person would do and took a picture of the maze to share with you. While I have seen mazes on boxes before they have all been on cereal boxes…and suddenly I have the urge to check the backs of all of them to see if there are any more mazes in the grocery store !

And now a few weeks later (Fall 2023) I can confirm there is another maze. This time it was found in a place I would expect - the cereal section with this maze I found on a box of Honey Nut Cheerios ! Another circular maze. When you see the maze, since there is no Start and goal noted - do you try to escape the center or get to the center ? I always like to escape !

And in Fall of 2024 we have an update from Honey Nut Cheerios with a new maze type that I love !

Honey Nut Cheerios Maze

And again, now that I have more time I found 2 more mazes at the local Aldi store. The first is a traditional maze on a box of animal crackers.

And the second is one of 3 games on the back of Honey Grahams cereal. We have a traditional maze, a word finder and a connect the dots.

Thank you Aldi for the great mazes (and especially thanks to the designer) ! Have you seen any mazes at your local grocery store ?