Making mazes with AI: Stable Diffusion

Welcome to the 3rd in a series of posts where I will test AI image generators and see how they handle making maze art. I will be asking 10 prompts and seeing what gets generated. My goal is to evaluate different AI image sites against each other to see how they perform. If you need to catch-up here is the series so far:

An exploration into Al Image Maze Generation

Making mazes with AI: DallE2

Stable Diffusion logo

Making Maze Art with stable diffusion

Today I test out Stable Diffusion. You can access the website here. You can try the site without signing in. Each prompt, or generation will generate 4 image options. For this exercise I chose the one closest to what I had asked, or the most interesting. All prompts I use are the same for each site !

Prompt 1 - Make a medium difficulty maze of the Eiffel Tower in black and white with arrows at the start and finish

Stable Diffusion Eiffel Tower

That is the Eiffel Tower. It is black and white. I see no arrows, and the maze is not really a maze, but more like placed blocks. Overall it is an interesting image though.

Prompt 2 - Draw a medium difficulty large maze of the Empire State Building with the start and goal embedded in the structure

Stable Diffusion Empire State Building

The maze is both inside and outside the building that looks like a short ESB. I like how the building needle is off the top of the page. Interesting !

Prompt 3 - Draw a difficult maze of the White House pixel art style

Stable Diffusion White House

That is a picture of the White House in a pixel style mixed with a bit of a gridded style for the lawn. Weird, but cool.

Prompt 4 - Draw a difficult maze that looks like a drawing of a famous building in sketch style

Stable Diffusion building

Looks like a museum or parliament or a stately residence. Oh, and there’s a small maze out front. Cool.

Prompt 5 - Draw a maze in the style of of a skyscraper in NYC

Stable Diffusion skyscraper maze

Not my style, but I like how this looks despite the obvious miss with the maze. Looks like a bunch of buildings squished together.

Prompt 6 - Draw a maze in the style of Sean C Jackson of a scene from a large outdoor market

Stable Diffusion outdoor market

Not an outdoor market when I look at it - more of a labyrinth. This is my favorite image generated so far. I would use this layout to make a maze of a city.

Prompt 7 - Make a maze of a slice of an orange in color

Stable Diffusion orange slice

They can’t all be winners.

Prompt 8 - Make a maze integrated on top of a photograph of a king sitting on his throne looking cantankerous beside his beautiful queen

Stable Diffusion King in maze

Remember I picked the best one. A maze with cursive letters on it..kind of and a double faced king with one crown next to his red faceless heavily shadowed queen. Perfect.

Prompt 9 - Make a solvable maze that is very large and very difficult to solve because it is so complex

Stable Diffusion complex maze

Well. We had a nice start didn’t we ? I like the contrast of the colors and the use of 3D without prompting.

Prompt 10 - Make a 3d render of a red and blue glossy cube maze

Stable Diffusion 3D cube mazes

I decided to show all 4 once again. All are so different. None are really great but together they are fun to look at.

How did Stable Diffusion do ? I Think it could handle famous buildings but struggled making a real maze. Overall some interesting images.

Coming Next: Craiyon