Maze of the Week #12 - Waterbury Clock Tower Maze

Maze #12 of the year features the Waterbury Clock Tower at Waterbury Union Station in Waterbury, Connecticut. It is a building maze, and is the first maze that does not use perspective, and instead uses a flat, geometric drawing of the tower. The maze is a simple standard construction. I did 2 versions, the original in black and white, and a colorized version. For the colorized version I used the drone footage below (Thank you Manxcat73) ! Without that footage, the pictures I found did not show the colors clearly.

Some information about Waterbury Union Station

The station was built in 1909 and it features a 240 foot tower, the subject of my maze. The station is the last stop for its branch of the Metro North railroad. It is a long 2 hours and 45 minutes to Grand Central Station. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 8, 1978.

Here is some wonderful drone footage of the tower where you can see it’s features and the surrounding town up close !

The maze:

A simple black and white maze. I should mention this is not REALLY a maze of the clock tower, but the top portion of it, I I made the full tower to scale it would be much longer !!

Waterbury Union Station Clock Tower Maze in black and white

Waterbury Clock Tower Maze

And here is the colorized version of the maze. Which version do you prefer ?

Waterbury Union Station Clock Tower Maze in color

Waterbury Clock Tower Maze in Color

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

A great maze of a movie theater that I think you are going to like !