Maze of the Week #25 - National Center for Civil and Human Rights Building Maze

Maze #25 features a museum that opened to the public on June 23, 2014. With wonderful architecture and an important mission, this week I feature a maze of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights Building located in Atlanta, Georgia. The architect of the building was Phil Freelon. My maze is a draw and cut construction and was originally done in black and white. I went back and worked on a colorized version of the maze that took me many weeks to finish (so many panels to color !). I hope you like the finished products !

Some information about the National Center for Civil and Human Rights

The museum primarily honors the history of the civil rights movement of black Americans in the 1960’s. Exhibits featuring the items from the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. The museum also works to connect this movement to current movements around the world for Human Rights.

Here is a 13 minute long video with a wonderful overview and virtual tour of the facility !

A photo:

From a slightly different angle than the maze I made, but you get the idea. Photo from Maciek Lulko on flickr.

National Center for Civil and Human Rights Building

The mazes:

The first version of the maze in black and white. I like how it came out but decided I wanted a version in color despite the challenge that was.

National Center for Civil and Human Rights Building Maze

National Center for Civil and Human Rights Building Maze

And here is the color version: I think it was worth the effort ! I had to match the color of each panel with the picture to get it right.

National Center for Civil and Human Rights Building Maze in color

I hope you enjoy the mazes. Free downloads are available of the mazes on their permanent webpage.

Coming next week:

A maze of a US National Park !