Maze of the Week #31 - Ponce De Leon Lighthouse Maze

Our Maze of the week #31 features the Ponce de Leon Lighthouse and Museum located in Ponce Inlet, Florida. Apparently this is one of the tallest lighthouses in the US, so now you know. What really attracted me to this particular lighthouse was the vibrant color. When you see a landscape photo or video of the lighthouse you’ll notice it can be seen from far away and in looks great against the lush green hues on the ground.

Here is a great place to learn about the Lighthouse. Maybe you are wondering why I am featuring the maze this week ? Well, It was designated as a NHLD (National Historic Landmark District) on August 5, 1998.

I love drone footage…

A photo of the lighthouse:

Ponce de Leon Lighthouse

Steven Martin , flickr

The Maze: the beautiful color was difficult to get just right, but this is where I landed. Depending on the photo you look at and the lighting this is probably right a few times a day just like a broken clock ! Is it orange ? Is it pink ?

Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse Maze

Ponce De Leon Lighthouse Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Downloads are available on at mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

An extremely famous building that is known by people all over the world ! You are going to like this one !