Maze of the Week #43 - Castle Craig Maze

I said maze of the week #43 would be a castle, and it is sort of. More of a castle tower that is called a tower. The Castle Craig is located in Hubbard Park in Meriden, Connecticut and was dedicated on October 29, 1900. The castle is only 32 feet high, so taking the stairs to the observation deck is a short climb. You can check out the view in the video below, or read about the castle on the Wikipedia page.

A photo of the Castle Craig:

Castle Craig

Castle Craig - John Cudworth flickr

The maze: I went with a basic black and white draw and cut construction. Honestly, if the castle was more famous I would colorize it, add to the background with some land, rock formations and a sky, and add some shadows to the castle.

Castle Craig Maze

Castle Craig Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Download is available on the mazes permanent maze page.

Coming next week:

A maze to celebrate a holiday !