Maze of the week #50 features a maze of the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign in Las Vegas, Nevada. I love watching documentaries about the formation of the city by the mafia in the middle of the desert And today I present to you a maze of one of the many famous signs in Las Vegas. This particular sign went up in 1959…and oddly enough sits outside the city limits in Paradise. Or is that actually NOT noteworthy… shouldn’t the sign be at the border of the city limits and possibly never actually in the city ? Apparently this one is not at the border. To read more about the sign’s history check this blog out. And yes - it is on the National List of historic places !
Or, you know you can just watch this video !
Let’s look at a photo of the sign from Lindsay Scott / pixabay.
The Maze: One version. In Color. Easy.
Welcome to Las Vegas Sign Maze