Maze of the Week #7 - Alabama Theatre Sign Maze

The 7th maze of the year features the Alabama Theatre Sign in Birmingham, Alabama. This is our third sign maze of the year. The maze construction is standard, I would also say this is the easiest of our mazes so far this year. After creating this sign (before adding the maze) I realized that the “open” space around the letters meant creating an easy maze or making very narrow pathways and a much harder maze. The band of lights that surround the sign also meant I needed to use an internal start and goal.

Some information about the Alabama Theatre

Originally opened the day after Christmas in 1927 as a movie theater, this historic theater was added to Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage on February 15th, 1977. It includes a theater pipe organ nicknamed “Big Bertha” with 32 sets of pipes. They seem to have a busy schedule that you can find on their official website here.

This 7 minute video shows a nice interview with Cecil Whitmire and features Big Bertha !

Here is a photo of the sign before we get to the mazes.

Alabama Theatre Sign

The Mazes:

I made 2 versions of the maze. First the color version:

Alabama Theatre Sign Maze in color

Alabama Theatre Sign Maze

And then I re-colored the maze into greyscale. When I looked at the sign I kept thinking about old black and white movies and how it would look in them.

Alabama Theatre Sign Maze in greyscale

I hope you enjoy the mazes. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

A special maze for the President’s Day holiday in the United States.