Maze of the Week #86 - Tiki Totem Maze

Maze of the Week #86 takes us to Hawaii and a maze of a Tiki Totem. It is the first of a series of mazes that I originally made, abandoned, then re-imagined for the site.

You can read about what tikis are on this Hawaii website. But my laymen definition is they are mythical symbols of gods and guardians. An example would be Ku - the god of war.

YouTube: Here is the making of a tiki head that is really fun to watch !

Photo: Here is a photo from Hawaii that shows the tiki my maze was made of (the tiki on the left). A wonderful photo showing the tikis in black and white against the powerful ocean in the background. They are located in PUʻUHONUA O HŌNAUNAU NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK - flickr, Stephen Hinde

Tiki Totems

Tikis - flickr, Stephen Hinde

The Maze: Originally this maze was abandoned and made my list of mistakes in maze making.

Why I abandoned these 10 mazes - Mistakes in Maze making

This maze has a story that I will go into later in a Case Study, so if you like before/after and maze design I suggest you read that, but here is the final product after much work !! The maze is easy to solve and the maze construction is free hand drawn.

Hawaii Tiki Totem Maze

Tiki Totem Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the homepage. Check out my YouTube channel where you can watch this maze be made and solved !!!

Coming these next 5 weeks: Mazes with case studies !

A tiki maze (this week)

A maze of a statue - (next week)

A maze of a performing arts center

A maze of a sign

A maze of ruins