Maze of the Week #9 - Piet Mondrian tribute maze

Our 9th maze of the week is a little bit different than normal. It is not anything special in terms of maze construction but it is a tribute to the Dutch Painter Piet Mondrian. Even if you do not know the name, you know his work, If you have been to a significant art museum you have almost certainly seen his work on display. He is featured this week to celebrate his birthday on March 7, 1872. I also added an Arrow Maze tribute because the construction lends itself to it so well.

Some information about Piet Mondrian

I do not think I can do justice to such a famous artist, his ongoing influence and his life. Luckily there is a website that features all of the information you could want. It includes a complete visual listing of all 120 of his works of art.

Here is a quick 3 minute video speaking about Piet and his style:

The mazes:

This is a simple square filled with simple squares and rectangles colored as Piet Mondrian may have done it. The maze construction is standard and nothing special beyond the fun coloration.

Piet Mondrian Tribute Maze

Piet Mondrian tribute maze

And here is the original artwork before any maze was added:

Piet Tribute

I decided to add an Arrow Maze tribute because I like a good Arrow Maze and its structure lends itself well to his work !

Piet Mondrian Arrow Maze Tribute

Piet Arrow Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

A famous historical landmark and building with a ton of detail. I think you are going to really like it !