Maze of the Week #95 - Gibraltar Point Lighthouse

Maze of the Week #95 is of the Gibraltar Point Lighthouse in Toronto, Canada. Constructed in 1808, this is the oldest lighthouse on the Great Lakes. As we get closer to Halloween I must ask - Is the lighthouse haunted ? Yes. Would you believe maybe ? Then would you believe it could have been but no longer is ? The very first lighthouse keeper, John Paul Radelmüller, is believed to have been violently murdered and is Toronto’s oldest cold case. You can read about this mystery on this website about Toronto. Or, just watch the video below !


Photo: Padraic Ryan, wikipedia

Gibraltar Point Lighthouse in Toronto, Canada

Padraic Ryan, wikipedia

The Maze: I went with color but left out the surrounding trees. I added shadows and like how they came out.

Gibraltar Point Lighthouse Maze

Gibraltar Point Lighthouse Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the homepage. Please check out my YouTube channel where you can watch this maze being made and solved!!

Coming next week:

A Halloween maze