My Most Creative Maze Solution

As a maker and designer of mazes I appreciate a good solution to a maze. My favorite mazes are all fun to solve and nice to look at. I think I have done both with this maze of the Museo Soumaya in Mexico City, Mexico. I featured the maze on this website as Maze of the week #53. It has it’s own section on the website, and I have written about the maze before, so why the extra attention ?

Well I am a fan of hidden message mazes. A maze that looks normal, but the solution has a message for the solver. Here are 2 blog posts where I show you how to make your own (2 different types):

How to Make A Hidden Message Maze

How to Make a Hidden Message Trail Maze

And of course I made some templates (4 different) to help you make “mazed” letters if you are interested in creating your own mazes:

Hidden Message Maze Letter Design templates

Or maybe you aren’t interested in making mazes and just want to challenge yourself by glancing at a maze and trying to figure out the message hidden inside. I did this in 4 parts:

Hidden Message Challenge - Part 1

Hidden Message Challenge - Part 2

Hidden Message Challenge - Part 3

Y tambien en Espanol !

Desafío Laberinto de mensajes ocultos

And if you did not click through to the challenges here is one of them for fun. What does this hidden message maze say ?

hidden message maze
Scroll Down
hidden message maze solution - get well soon

How did you do ? Either way, that is an example of a hidden message maze.

By now you may have forgotten what brought about that sidebar. Well the question about the Museo Soumaya - “why the extra attention ?”. Well, because I gave it a creative solution and that solution is even more hidden than a typical maze I make. I dare say it is completely hidden ! Let’s look at the maze. Do you see the answer ?

Museo Soumaya Maze

Museo Soumaya Maze

To download the maze and solve it yourself click here.

Or just watch the solution on my YouTube channel below. When do you figure out the surprise ?

If you enjoyed that video. I show the making and solving of my mazes on my new channel. I release a new maze every Monday and most (but not all) have each of the 2 videos.