I like making Weaving Mazes. It is a type of maze where the more you make it, the more you learn how to improve it. This is the only maze type where I had to make a “how to” update to show how to make the maze type. I also did a separate how-to for the pipe maze version of weaving mazes:
How to Make a Weaving Path Maze
How to Make a Weaving Path Maze - Improved Method
But it is an interesting maze type because you have so many options. Let’s go through some of those options today. I will be using one maze and making with many different different options.
Option 1 - Standard Weaving Maze
Nothing special. This version is just a weaving maze.
Standard Weaving Maze
Option 2 - Standard Weaving Maze - with background shadows
Same as above but I added a background shadow to make the maze easier to see on the white background.
Standard Weaving Maze - with background shadows
Option 3 - Standard Weaving Maze - with maze shadows
I did this quickly, but I added shadows to the “under” weave pathways of the maze. This gives the maze more interest and makes it easier to see where the pathways travel.
Standard Weaving Maze - with maze shadows
Option 4 - Standard Weaving Maze - with internal arrows
The other way to help the solver along is to use arrows internally. You can also use these to make some pathways one way (I did not do that here), and add complexity to the maze !
Standard Weaving Maze - with internal arrows
Option 5 - Pipe Weaving Maze
I like the pipe style of weaving mazes. It means the dead ends get caps, the start and goal become a spigot and water. The corners all become more rounded to look like pipes.
Pipe Weaving Maze
Option 6 - Pipe Weaving Maze - with background shadows
Again, just makes it easier to see the maze.
Pipe Weaving Maze - with background shadows
Option 7 - Pipe Weaving Maze - with internal shadows
Same as Option 3 above but doneas a pipe maze.
Pipe Weaving Maze - with internal shadows
Option 8 - Weaving Maze - Point to Point version
So this version of the maze uses circles at each change of direction with pathways between them. The pathways weave. Normally this maze would be more spread-out so I used a grey background to make it easier to see, and a shadow.
Weaving Maze - Point to Point version
Options 9/10 - Weaving Maze - Unique item options
What things are also long and fit into this maze construction ? I tried 2, a candle in a candle holder and a broom. There are dozens of possibilities, much like the kids mazes that are “help the xxxx find the yyyy” where xxxx is an animal and yyyy is what that animal eats.

So those are 10 versions of the same maze with some different decisions made. Which do you prefer ?
This type of maze does have some unique issues when you make it - it is easy to make mistakes ! So much so that I made 2 blog posts about my many mistakes if you want to test your observation skills !
Can You Find the Maze Design Mistake ?
Can You Find the Maze Design Mistake ? Part 2
I sell a book of 100 Weaving Mazes on Amazon if they seem interesting to you. Buy it on Amazon
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