2022 Maze of the Year voting results !

Thank you to everyone who voted ! In 2022 I made 52 mazes (plus a few variations) in 52 weeks and 14 of them were popular and up for voting in the maze of the year. Voting always surprises me when it comes to my mazes. Before I get to the results, if you missed the finalists you can watch the video of them on my new YouTube channel.

And now the top 5 mazes of 2022 as voted on by you! Of course we had a tie at #5 so 6…let’s get to it !

Maze of the year #5(Tie) Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House maze

Maze of the year #5(Tie) Chich’en Itza Pyramid

Chich’en Itza Pyramid Maze

Maze of the year #4 The Louvre

The Louvre Maze

I only made 4 mazes that were located outside of the USA and 3 made the top 5, all famous places to visit !

Maze of the year #3 Sit and Spin Laundromat Sign

If there was a winner for sign maze of the year this is it! And, of course it is made from a photo of a real sign in Fayetteville, Arkansas ! Do people like the sign or the maze ?

Sit and Spin Laundry
Sit and Spin Laundromat Sign maze

Maze of the year #2 Epcot Center Spaceship Earth

This one surprised me. Maybe all my voters have found memories of visiting Disney World ?

Epcot Center Spaceship Earth Maze

And finally we have our top vote getter from a city I live in part time and a place I have walked by over 100 times ! There is a variation of this with a grey front (the color of the building shifts based on time of day and light).

Maze of the year #1 Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Museum

Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Museum Maze

So thank you all for voting. Free downloads of all mazes are available on the website homepage ! In the end we have 5 tourist destinations and a laundromat sign. I hope you come back at the end of 2023 to vote again ! I look forward to making more maze art for everyone to enjoy !