2023 Maze of the year voting results

I ant to thank everyone who took the time in December to vote on the maze of the year for the site. In 2022 the winner was the Rock n Roll HOF Museum Maze. I like to see how people vote, and the results always surprise me. This year was no different. There were 10 mazes that were eligible to vote for and all of them received votes. 7 of the 10 received a first place vote and 6 mazes got most of the votes. Here is the video showing the maze finalists:

Out of the 52 mazes of the week I made this year let’s look at the top 5 based on your voting!

ALMOST - Museo Soumaya Maze - this maze has my best solution, and got a lot of votes, but just missed out on the top 5!

5. Templo de Sangre de Cristo Maze

Based off of a picture of the church I took.

Templo de Sangre de Cristo Maze

4. Chicago Theatre Sign Maze

I always have sign in the top mazes, and this year it is this Chicago theatre sign.

Chicago Theatre Sign Maze

3. Bodiam Castle Maze

This maze was one of my first case studies. It is also the first maze where I did a reflection in the water.

Bodiam Castle Maze

2. Taj Mahal Maze

Not surprised that this double maze of a famous building got a lot of votes. The first maze is from tower to tower and the second is within the central dome.

Taj Mahal Maze

And now the #1 vote getter for the year. This maze took me the longest to make and has the most detail so I was not surprised it won…

1 - Santo Domingo Maze

Santo Domingo Maze

So that concludes the year. Thanks again for your votes. All mazes are available for download on the site.

2022 Maze of the Year voting results !

Thank you to everyone who voted ! In 2022 I made 52 mazes (plus a few variations) in 52 weeks and 14 of them were popular and up for voting in the maze of the year. Voting always surprises me when it comes to my mazes. Before I get to the results, if you missed the finalists you can watch the video of them on my new YouTube channel.

And now the top 5 mazes of 2022 as voted on by you! Of course we had a tie at #5 so 6…let’s get to it !

Maze of the year #5(Tie) Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House maze

Maze of the year #5(Tie) Chich’en Itza Pyramid

Chich’en Itza Pyramid Maze

Maze of the year #4 The Louvre

The Louvre Maze

I only made 4 mazes that were located outside of the USA and 3 made the top 5, all famous places to visit !

Maze of the year #3 Sit and Spin Laundromat Sign

If there was a winner for sign maze of the year this is it! And, of course it is made from a photo of a real sign in Fayetteville, Arkansas ! Do people like the sign or the maze ?

Sit and Spin Laundry
Sit and Spin Laundromat Sign maze

Maze of the year #2 Epcot Center Spaceship Earth

This one surprised me. Maybe all my voters have found memories of visiting Disney World ?

Epcot Center Spaceship Earth Maze

And finally we have our top vote getter from a city I live in part time and a place I have walked by over 100 times ! There is a variation of this with a grey front (the color of the building shifts based on time of day and light).

Maze of the year #1 Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Museum

Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Museum Maze

So thank you all for voting. Free downloads of all mazes are available on the website homepage ! In the end we have 5 tourist destinations and a laundromat sign. I hope you come back at the end of 2023 to vote again ! I look forward to making more maze art for everyone to enjoy !

My Favorite Mazes of 2020 (Time to vote)

In 2019 I posted a new themed maze each and every day. We voted on our favorites each month and at the end of the year we picked our 2019 Maze of the year ! I had fun learning what everyone liked and was often surprised by which mazes got votes and which didn’t.

For 2020 I switched things up. While I still posted a daily maze, each month had a themed maze construction type. At the end of each month I made a free downloadable mini book of the months mazes. Like this Line Leads Book from March. Or this Puzzle Maze Book from April. I really enjoyed making these mazes/books but they didn’t make sense for monthly voting for best mazes. I was able to post voting for May and June since those mazes had a lot of variety. But the rest of the months, nope.

So today I will present to you MY favorite mazes of the year (including ones not posted as a daily maze) and once again let you vote on which one you think should be the maze of the year !

#6 Smiley Face Weaving Maze

I made a lot of weaving mazes this year. Enough for 2 different 100 page books !! This is one of my favorites. A nice Smiley Face Maze.

Smiley Face Weaving Maze

#5 “Kitchen Sink” Arrow Maze

I also made a lot of Arrow Mazes. This is my favorite. I call it a kitchen sink because it contains an undefined Start/Goal (You need to figure out which is which), Warp Zones (to move across the maze), Double Moves (to jump grids and spaces). I think it’s a fun one !

Kitchen Sink Arrow Maze

#4 Jet Fighter Maze

The Jet Fighter Maze was posted to celebrate Aviation Maintenance Technician Day on May 24, 2020. The grid maze construction works well with this maze.

#3 Penny Maze

This US Penny Maze was posted for Lucky Penny Day on May 23, 2020. For a grid maze there are actually a lot of options, making the maze more difficult.

#2 Snowman Weaving Maze

I posted this one in December for the holidays. A new take on the weaving maze for me. I like it.

Snowman Weaving Maze

Snowman Weaving Maze

And my personal favorite from 2020 :

#1 Playhouse Square Sign, Cleveland, Ohio

I used this maze to show an example of maze art construction in a blog, I made it based on a photograph and to me it is my favorite maze of the year !!

Navigating the Best Mazes of 2019: The votes are in !

We had 12 months of voting to determine the best mazes from each month and now with the help of my voters (thank you!) we have determined the best of the best. In my year in review post I thought that the winner may not come from previous months 1st place finishers as new voters come and go, and I was right.

Below is a snapshot of the top 3 vote getters for each month from 2019 which were eligible for voting. If you prefer to see full size versions of those mazes, I have that covered too where you can download each maze for free. It is a nice variety of mazes from both kids and adults with lots of unique mazes you won’t find anywhere else.

Best of 2019 snapshot 1
Best of 2019 snapshot 2

Let’s look at our top 5 mazes as voted on be you ! Click on any picture to download a pdf of the maze to print and solve !

#5 Bacon Maze

Posted on December 30 to celebrate National Bacon Day. One of the first mazes I posted on the site, it originally was voted 3rd place in January. One of the few mazes that uses a free hand construction.

Bacon Maze

Bacon maze

#4 Cheeseburger Maze

The winning maze from September, the cheeseburger maze was posted to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day on September 18. This is a Beyond Meat Burger.

Cheeseburger Maze

Cheeseburger Maze

#3 Food Truck Maze

You don’t see many food truck mazes, but this monthly winner from June seems to be a favorite. Posted June 28, 2019 for National Food Truck Day. I think it has a great menu.

Food Truck Maze

Food Truck Maze

#2 Crushed Can Maze

Seemingly out of nowhere, the crushed can maze, previously 2nd place in January gets some ballot stuffing and comes in 2nd place for all of 2019 ! Published January 24, 2019 to celebrate Beer Can Appreciation Day. I actually posted 2 mazes this day, one a crushed can and the other fully intact. Obviously we know what everyone preferred.

Crushed Beer Can Maze

Crushed Beer Can Maze

And the maze of the year for 2019 is….

#1 King Tut Maze

Coming in a close 2nd in November, the King Tut maze got the most votes for 2019. Posted November 4, 2019 for King Tut Day I think it is a worthy winner. I have re-worked the maze to be larger and more difficult if you like the way this looks !

King Tut Maze

King Tut maze

If you stumbled upon this page looking for cool mazes but want something more like “maze art”, I have plenty of new mazes I have made since 2019 on the home page, like famous buildings The Louvre, the Rock n Roll HOF, and the Sydney Opera House! You can even watch mazes being made on my YouTube channel.

To see what the future looks like (and it is much better check out this post for 2022 MOTY:

2022 Maze of the Year Voting Results