Arrow Mazes: A Comprehensive Guide to the Fun and Challenging Puzzles

I have written over 20 different blog posts about Arrow Mazes, including a 14 part series on just about everything you imagine. But I have never written about why I love them so much, so let’s do that, and despite the long time between them let’s consider this Part 15 in the series. Below I will go through the series so far with some additional notes to guide you. First, let’s define what an Arrow Maze is:


If you want to make and design your own Arrow Mazes you should read to original blog post “How to Make an Arrow Maze” and also read Parts 1 - 4 below which take you through the main parts of an Arrow Maze and how they are used:

Arrow Maze Construction and Design:

  • Part 1 - Start Locations and Options

    • In this post I discuss the placement of the Start block and how it effects the solving and options for solving the maze.

  • Part 2 - Using Creative Shapes

    • I show how you can use blocks and some creativity to create some interesting shapes/themes. More on this below with examples.

  • Part 3 - Intersections

    • A discussion of how to make an Arrow Maze more difficult by using decision blocks.

  • Part 4 - Using Loops

    • An explanation of loops, which are used instead of dead ends in an Arrow Maze.

The second section of the series in Parts 5 - 12 explores the different types of Arrows that can be used (different Arrows allow different movements through the maze) and special blocks that can be placed in the Arrow Maze. For the most basic Arrow Mazes you would only need to read Part 5.

Arrow Maze Components:

Part 5 Regular Arrows
  • Part 5 - Regular Arrows

    • The core and most basic element of an arrow maze is the basic regular arrow. It points in 1 direction which you follow. Most Arrow Mazes are made of a majority of these arrows.

Part 6 Double Arrows
  • Part 6 - Double Arrows

    • An arrow that jumps you over the block or gap in the direction the double arrow is pointed. Great to get you out of tight spots as a solver and to hide “pathways” better as a maze creator.

  • Part 7 - Using the START GOAL

    • This block adds a new twist to solving the maze because the solver must determine which block is the START and which block is the GOAL. You must find a path between the 2 to solve it.

Part 8 Return to Start
  • Part 8 - Return to Start Block

    • Exactly what it says. If you land on this block you must return to the Start of the Arrow Maze.

Part 9 Warp
  • Part 9 - Using Warp Zones

    • Landing on the block allows you to Warp (or jump) to the same shaped Warp block across the maze. When you land on a Warp block you can warp across the maze OR you can choose not to warp and move in any direction off the block (like a Start block)

Part 10 Slide Arrow
  • Part 10 - Slide Arrows

    • Landing on a Slide Arrow means you can slide to ANY block it is pointing to (but you can not jump gaps). If you want to learn how to make a maze completely out of this type of arrow: How to Make a Slide Arrow Maze.

Part 11 All Ways Arrow
  • Part 11 - All Ways Arrow

    • When you land on this type of arrow, you may move off of it in any direction

Part 12  Long Arrow
  • Part 12 - Long Arrow Use

    • The Long Arrow is the name of an infinite number of arrows that are 2 or more blocks long. It replaces a series of regular arrows.

Long arrow maze use example

And the final part of the series shows how you can make Arrow Mazes more fun and challenging, typically by using an exaggerated number of special blocks Part 13, or making it very large Part 14. Not part of the original series, but a supplement to Part 14 was a 5 part series of hints to help people solve the Largest Arrow Maze in the World.

Extreme Arrow Maze examples:

And finally we have today where I attempt to pull everything together.


  • Part 15 - Why I Love Arrow Mazes (this post)

While I seem to like Arrow mazes more than most people, I also feel like most people have never tried one. When I introduce them to new people I get a good response. They have never caught on, but I am hopeful some day they will.

7 Reasons Why I Love Arrow Mazes

1 - Arrow Mazes are for all Ages

Regular mazes come with varying levels of complexity and so do Arrow Mazes. However, even most complex Arrow Mazes are quicker to solve because the blocks take up more space on the page. So a complex Arrow Maze can be solved by a child more easily than a regular maze. You can trial and error your way to success because…

2 - There are no Dead Ends in an Arrow Maze

You can read more about the concept in Part 4 of the series - Using Loops. Instead of dead ends, wrong decisions lead you back to where you started…so you can course correct your direction the next time !

3 - No Writing Utensil is Needed to solve an Arrow Maze

Have you ever thought about buying a maze book for a kindle ? Of course not. How would you solve the maze on the screen…except there is a maze book for kindle for sale, of my Arrow Mazes ! You solve an Arrow maze using your eyes or finger. No pencils needed.

4 - Arrow Mazes have cool shapes

Not that regular mazes don’t, but making an arrow maze, built by blocks in interesting shapes helps keeps things fun and interesting ! Check out these 3 examples:

Arrow Maze #66
Arrow Maze Perspective
Arrow Maze #80

5 - Arrow Mazes are fun to create and solve

I really enjoy making them. I have personally made over 500 Arrow mazes over the years, including the aforementioned book for sale on Amazon. I have additional volumes ready for publishing should I want to launch them. As far as solving, the use of loops vs. dead ends enhances the enjoyment. The complexity that can be created with use of the advanced blocks (see Part 13) can make things very interesting. Good luck avoiding the “Return to the Star” blocks !!

Arrow Maze #99

6 - They can be themed !

I have made Arrow mazes for specific holidays. Here are a few basic Christmas examples for kids.

Angel Arrow Maze
Gingerbread Arrow Maze
Snowman Arrow Maze
Candycane Arrow Maze

7 - They can be Optimized for Mobile !

Just make them skinny.

Mobile Arrow Maze

Additional Maze Arrow Examples:

Here are a few more mazes for you to try. Hopefully you find them enjoyable ! I have also included instructions that I made for my book to help you understand some of the moves you will be making !

Arrow maze Instructions
Arrow Maze #48
Arrow Maze #49
Arrow Maze #53
Arrow Maze #103

I have already made The Arrow Book Volume 2 but it is sitting on the shelf. Let me know if you would be interested in the book (form below).

Arrow Maze Book Volume 2 Book Cover

If you are interested in being emailed when I launch the Arrow Maze Book Volume 2 (and possibly Vol 3), submit your information below.