Maze of the Week #11 - Agora Sign Maze, Cleveland, Ohio

We return to the city of Cleveland with this week’s maze of the Agora Theater Sign in Cleveland, Ohio. What I love about this sign is the great pops of color that protrude from the front of the sign. If you are a fan of Bruce Springsteen and the E street band, in 2014 they released a live album from their 1978 concert there.

Some information about The Agora Theater

It has moved around many times, and switched names, but it has been a part of Cleveland since 1913. The building currently known as the Agora first opened on March 31, 1913 (thus the feature this week). I included a short video so you can check out the inside of the space. If you are fans of rock from the 1970’s there are some classic videos on YouTube from the venue you might like,

The maze:

I made this maze based off of a picture I took (below).

The Agora Theatre Sign Maze

Agora Sign Maze, Cleveland, Ohio

The picture. Notice that the colors in the sign have faded over time (although the lighting in the photo does not help this).

Agora Theatre Sign

I hope you enjoy the maze. You can find downloads of the maze at the mazes permanent home.

Coming next week:

A building maze from the Northeast, specifically from a train station !

Similar Mazes:

A sign maze with a 1950’s feel.

A theater sign maze from Alabama