Maze of the Week #22 - Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch Maze

This week I am featuring a maze of the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch located in Hartford, Connecticut to celebrate Memorial Day in the US. It becomes maze of the week #22 after a last minute switch with a lighthouse maze (now maze #37). There are many memorials (over 20) named this, or similar around the United States. This particular memorial celebrates those Hartford citizens that served in the US Civil War. The Memorial Arch was dedicated on September 17, 1886 and was designed by a local architect named George Keller.

If you want to learn more about the memorial arch, read the Wikipedia page , or just check out this video:

Here is a photo of the memorial:

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch - Connecticut State Library flickr

The maze: Finished? You decide. I can’t seem to find a clear picture of the battle scene that is banded above the arch. I attempted a few versions with it and none came out to my standards. I may add it in the future (and change the maze) if I find a good picture to work off of. I went with black and white. The brocks make for a good gridded maze construction.

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch Maze

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Downloads are available on the homepage.

Coming next week:

An iconic sign maze from the world of sports !

Also interesting:

Maze Construction - 5 Maze Design Decisions Make All the Difference