Maze of the Week #67 - Taj Mahal Maze

My most popular mazes from 2022 were famous buildings from around the world. It inspired me to look for more buildings to maze like Maze of the Week #67, the Taj Mahal. Certainly this is a building that most of the world has heard of ! Completed in 1648, it is still an amazing structure located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. Check out this video showing the grounds and inside !

Photo: flickr, Christopher John SSF

Taj Mahal

Maze explanation: To add more detail to the structure I made this a poster sized maze. The size is 43 x 28 and it is difficult to solve printed on small pieces of paper. Also, because of the detail I had to work around a lot of things to create the maze - so I created 2 ! The main maze is from tower to tower, with a bonus maze in the central dome.

Taj Mahal Maze explanation

Taj Mahal Maze explanation

And the maze: Huge and black and white

Taj Mahal Mazes in black and white

Taj Mahal Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the site. A also did a case study on improving the maze.

Case Study#9 - Improving a Maze - Taj Mahal

Coming next week:

A sign maze

Maze of the Week #66 - Jallianwala Bagh Memorial Maze

Maze of the week #66 is of a memorial located in Amritsar, Punjab, India. It is the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial which sits on the location of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919. Here is a video without audio showing a walkthrough to the memorial.

Photo: flickr, P.L. Tandon

Jallianwala Bagh Memorial

Jallianwala Bagh Memorial

The Maze: A simple full color maze.

Jallianwala Bagh Memorial Maze

Jallianwala Bagh Memorial Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Free maze download is available on the site.

Coming next week:

The most famous building in India

Maze of the Week #65B - Bridge Guardian Maze Updated and improved !

Maze of the week #65 is of the Guardian from the bridge that overlooks Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio. But then I decided it could be improved…so I developed a new version of it and I will let you decide which you like best.

Photo: This photo from flickr, and Heather McLaughlin, will become important.

The Original Maze: Now called the “Before”

Bridge Guardian Maze

And now what I did to improve (hopefully) the maze and make it more interesting.

1. Colors changed - The initial maze was one color. I changed the overall color to be darker and added a secondary color. I also added shadows in many places.

2. Details added - I went back and found a better photo of the truck and added additional details to it. I added some new details to the face, added fingernails, etc. You can compare the mazes and find even more !

3. Extended the maze - I made the maze longer and extended it to the bottom of the page. The actual structure is very large and the previous “floating” version of the maze was not accurate. I also added the side panels that were missing from version 1.

4. Changed the Maze - I kept this an easy kids maze. I changed the non-core maze portion at the top and deleted the lower portion of the maze.

5. Added background - I wanted to try this as mixed media. I thought about doing a blue sky but the location of this bridge overlooks the baseball stadium, so I found the photo above to make this a mixed media maze !

6. Start and goal changed - I felt that this would look better by changing the arrows to an internal lettered start and goal.

7. Letter and branding moved - I moved the branding and lettering to the top of the page. I also re-sized the title to be larger than the city name.

And so here is the “After”. Which maze do you prefer ? Did this improve the maze ?

Guardian of Traffic Maze with stadium

I will add this maze to the current homepage and you can choose the one you want to solve ! Happy mazing !!

Maze of the Week #65 - Bridge Guardian Maze

It’s that time of year again. Baseball season starts March 30th. Maze of the week #65 was my attempt to celebrate that fact. It is a maze of the Guardian from the bridge that overlooks Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio. Specifically it is one of the Guardians of Traffic sculptures (1932). You can read about them in Cleveland Magazine or check out this short video about the name change:

Photo: flickr, Erick Drost

Guardians of Traffic bridge statues in Cleveland, Ohio

Guardians of Traffic

The Maze: One color. Not my best maze. I made this a few years ago and never used it (until now). But then I made a second version…

Guardian of Traffic Maze

Bridge Guardian Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Download is available on the site, including a new version !

Coming next week:

A monument in India