Maze of the Week #91 - Monte Alban Maze

Maze of the Week #91 keeps us in Mexico for my 3rd different maze of a pyramid or ruin with this Monte Alban Maze from the Zapotec archeological site in Oaxaca, Mexico. Here are my other 2 similar mazes:

Chichen Itza Maze

Mayan Ruins at Uxmal Maze

Photos: I had a chance to visit the site because I lived in the city for 3 months. Here is a gallery of pictures I took, one of which was used to make the maze. I went on a day with perfect weather - easy to do around there - and was one of the first 5 people in the site, so my pictures include very few people !

YouTube: Here is a quick 6 minute video showing the grounds if the pictures weren’t enough.

The Maze: I re-worked this maze after finishing it. A small re-color and then I re-sized it from paper size to a size that fit the structure/maze better. I also added shadows which were a huge improvement IMO.

Monte Alban Maze

Monte Alban Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the homepage. Check out my YouTube channel where you can watch mazes being made and solved !!!

Coming next week:

A maze of an auditorium

Maze of the Week #90 - The Mayan Ruins at Uxmal

Maze of the Week #90 takes us back to Mexico and my 2nd different maze of a pyramid or ruin with this Mayan Ruins Maze from the Uxmal archeological site in the Yucatán of Mexico. Here are my other similar mazes:

Chichen Itza Maze

Monte Albán Maze

YouTube: Here is a tourist guide to the site with some great scenes !

The Maze: I re-worked this maze after finishing it. I think the improvements improved it a bit; not a drastic change, but definitely better. The maze is large and more difficult than usual, but I held back making it extra difficult. Here is the final maze:

Mayan Ruins at Uxmal Maze

The Mayan Ruins at Uxmal Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the homepage. Check out my YouTube channel where you can watch mazes being made and solved !!! This was my last of 5 straight mazes with case studies - I hope you enjoyed them !

Coming next week:

A maze of more Mexican ruins !

Maze of the Week #87 - Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze

Maze of the Week #87 takes us to the city of Queretaro in Mexico. This statue of the Danzante Conchero Chichimeca is located just outside of the main plaza in the city. If you visit you will be sure to see it. I lived nearby and have walked past it hundreds of times. You mazy not notice but there is some color on the statue, although the feathers near the head of the dancer have faded over time (they were blue and white).

Photos: All taken by me.

YouTube: This is a long video of the festival in Queretaro that shows many different festivities like a parade and dancing. I do not think I am in the background of this video, but…maybe. I did attend many of these things !

The Maze: Originally this maze was abandoned and made my list of mistakes in maze making.

Why I abandoned these 10 mazes - Mistakes in Maze making

Then I went back an made it into another case study, which you can read about here. I did need to cheat to maze the picture I made though !

Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze

Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available. Check out my YouTube channel where you can watch this maze be made and solved !!!

Coming these next few weeks: Mazes with case studies !

Tiki Totem Maze (last week)

El Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze (this one)

A maze of a performing arts center

A maze of a sign

A maze of ruins

Maze of the Week #82 - Mexican Door Maze

Maze of the Week #82 is a bit different than my typical maze because it deals with a scene, specifically a scene of a door in Mexico. You may or may not know that I have spent a few Winters in Mexico to get out of the cold. It’s wonderful. This particular door was made as a conglomeration of many different doors I have seen around the country. My reference pictures came from Querétaro and Oaxaca where I have spent the most time. The main picture used was from a house in Oaxaca. This is my 5th maze from Mexico and my 2nd “scene” in the country:

Part 1 - Chichen Itza

Part 2 - Museo Soumaya

Part 3 - QRO walking street

Part 4 - Templo de Sangre de Cristo

Photos: The main door used for the structure of the maze (Oaxaca). A little bit of brick, concrete, stones…typical for Mexico.

Door in Oaxaca

Flowers typically found on the sidewalks crawling up the building (Queretaro).

floral bush in Mexico

Colorful door with window used in the maze (QRO).

door in Queretaro

My old neighbor. One version of the electrical you find in Mexico (QRO).

Door in Queretaro

A typical rooftop Water tank (OAX)

water tank in Oaxaca

The Maze: I changed the colors many times and am still not satisfied…anyway here it is (for now). Start and Goal are in yellow (INICIO and META in Spanish)

Mexican Door Maze

Mexican Door Maze

I hope you enjoy the maze. Maze download is available on the homepage. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel where you can watch this maze being made and solved!!

Coming next week:

A maze of a museum in the news this week !