The Houses October Built (2014) Movie Review

The Houses October Built (2014) IMDB AMZN

The Houses October Built movie poster

If there is one thing you can be sure of it is that a movie about haunted houses will contain a maze ! And even though it is commonly referred to as a maze it is most likely a labyrinth ! How many times have you gone to a haunted house and been given a choice of which direction you can go ? Honestly only the absolute best ones and even then it is really rare (note to house owners).

So this movie is about a group of 5 friends who take an RV out before Halloween and record their experiences visiting various haunted houses on a road trip. Sounds like a fun real world trip. But they are also on the lookout for a secret, hard to find haunted house that is known for taking things to the extreme. And they find it. Oops. Bad idea. Either way along the road trip they visit many haunted houses that put them into mazes or labyrinths !

Cool concept. Wish it was a bit better executed. Get it, executed. Whatever.

I give it a 4.9/10.