I’ve shown you how to draw square labyrinths using the same seed pattern as the classical labyrinth. Today I will take you through the steps to draw a 9 Circuit Square Labyrinth that has a large square center. In practice this could become a place for meditation or ceremony if built in the real world. Follow this 7 step process and make your own ! You also have the option to make this without the large center square. To see how to do that you can read - How to Draw an 11 Circuit Square Labyrinth and adjust the # of circuits.
Step 1: Draw the center goal
Draw a box in the center of your paper with a one unit opening at the bottom. To help guide your future lines make a box to represent the outline of the labyrinth size you would like to make. Mine is green, but note that this will be deleted at the end, so color does not matter.
Note: IF you are using a grid, and I suggest you do, the walls of the green square should allow for 9 lines between the edge and the center goal. The total size of the grid network is 21 x 21 when you include the center goal.
Pro Tip: The math on the grid size being 21 x 21 is 9 circuits on one side + 3 grids for the goal + 9 circuits on the other side = 21 grids needed. If you are making a 15 circuit square square labyrinth you can use the same method shown here the guide grid would need to be 15 + 3 + 15 = a 33 x 33 grid. Follow all the steps below and you will create the same style labyrinth but larger !
Step 2: Draw the Outer Wall
Draw a the outer wall using the left path from the center, drawing to all way down to the edge and then moving around counterclockwise. Stop when you get one unit away from the edge line as you move around the entire box.
Step 3: Make the next internal line
Repeat the same step as above using the right side of the goal, leaving one unit of distance between this and the previous line to create a pathway. End the line one unit short of the previous line just above it.
Step 4: Make the next internal line
From here on out the process will repeat. Go back to the previous line you made and make a counterclockwise wall around the labyrinth, keeping one unit from the previous line. Notice this includes moving around the center goal.
Step 5: Make the next internal line
Same as above with the next line.
Step 6: Make the next internal line
Same as above with the next line.
Step 7: Make the next internal line
Same as above with the next line. If everything has been done correctly this is the final line.
Step 8: Clean it up
Delete the background guide and enjoy your new square labyrinth !
That completes the drawing of a 9 Circuit Square Labyrinth.
9 Circuit Square Labyrinth
Interested in learning how to make or draw other types of digital mazes ? I have step by step instructions on how to make over 40 different maze types.
If you prefer making labyrinths, you can find step by step labyrinth making instructions.