The 10 Best Maze-Making Design Templates to get you Started

So you want to design your own maze, but you want a little extra help. Well you have come to the right place. I have set-up 10 different maze making templates to get you started, some with variations depending on who it is intended for. There is also a section below of 10 Holiday themed maze making templates for kids, so 20 templates in total ! If you want to learn how to make over 40 different types of mazes - you can find each step by step maze instructions here. My Goal - Maze making made easy !

If you do not read the above How-To’s you can use these 2 simple rules to create a maze:

  1. Choose and create a Start and Goal if they are not already shown on the template. They may be arrows or simply writing Start and Goal in the maze

  2. Create maze walls (by connecting dots, drawing lines as shown) and make sure you have a solution by not closing off all pathways to the goal.

  • Standard Maze Template

No instructions on this one but it is very simple - Connect the dots to create the walls of the maze. Make sure you have a possible solution when you are done ! This can also be used for: Avoid Items Maze, Find Items Maze

Standard maze making template

Standard Maze Template

  • Connected Dots Maze template
    A variation of a standard maze with a bit more flexibility. You will need to add start and goal arrows, or write start and goal within the walls of the maze. A second version is larger at 15x19. This can also be used for: Avoid Items Maze, Find Items Maze

  • Escape Maze Template
    Two versions, one with and one without instructions. You just need to draw a few walls to create the pathways (and choose a goal).

  • Axonometric Maze Template

If you are wondering what Axonometric is, well this set-up will allow you to make a 3-d looking box or other object when you create your maze. Get creative !

Create a Maze template Axonometric

Axonometric Maze Template

  • Letter Maze/ Number Maze Template

    This could be used for a variety of maze types. I pre added the Start and Goal for you. Fill the grid blocks with letters/numbers/shapes/math and give the solver directions on how to solve. This can also be used for: Arrow Maze, Color Grid Maze, Puzzle Maze

Grid maze making template

Grid Maze Template

  • Horizontal / Vertical Maze Template

    Shown as a horizontal maze template, but if you put it on it’s side it would be a vertical maze template. You just need to add some vertical lines in each row to create the pathways.

Vertical maze template

Vertical / Horizontal Maze Template

  • Trail Maze Template
    A great and fun type of maze. 2 versions, with and without instructions. This is a great way to make a hidden message maze.

    This can also be used for: Arrow Maze, Color Grid Maze, Puzzle Maze, Avoid Items Maze, Find Items Maze

Holiday Maze Templates for Kids

And now a special section of templates for the Holidays for Kids. A set of 10 Kids Maze Templates ! The below are all included in the download. Not shown, but downloadable are the same mazes, but in Spanish !

Hidden Message Maze Letter Design templates

So you want to design your own hidden message maze, but you want a little extra help. Today I show you 4 different mazed alphabet sets that I have made. Each was a grid background that will help you make the letters on your own. Some letters are consistently difficult to make into a maze form….I think B, K, G, N, X and Z always seem to be difficult. Every once in awhile if you have an odd letter size you will have trouble with an E.

Mazed Alphabet #1:

A collection of standard “mazed” letters. I will say that these letters are actually labyrinths because there are no choices to be made once you enter a letter (vs. the choices you would find in a maze). To give these a maze feel add some gaps in the letters that lead into false pathways. You may also add gaps inside letters that have closed sections (A,B,D,O,P,Q, and R).

alphabet letters mazed

And here is a few examples of alternative constructions that can be used if you prefer how they look ! They also give different alignments if you are spelling something and want a different exit/entrance combination.

alphabet letters mazed variations S T N W

Click below to download the template as an svg file. Available for personal use ONLY, no commercial use without prior consent.

Mazed Alphabet #2

And here is a larger size template at 15x19. Notice that I did include gaps for false pathways in the letters A, B, D, O, and Q. Just like my example above of alternative letter alignments, many of these letters can be re-configured.

alphabet large letters mazed

Click below to download the template as an svg file. Available for personal use ONLY, no commercial use without prior consent.

Mazed Alphabet #3

And with my third template I have made an even larger group of letters. It includes multiple versions of L, T and Y. Almost all letters have entrances and exits that align for easy combining.

alphabet very large letters mazed

Click below to download the template as an svg file. Available for personal use ONLY, no commercial use without prior consent.

Mazed Alphabet #4

The fourth template uses Alphabet #1 and puts it into an Axonometric grid to give it a dimensional effect. I also added a few false exits in some of the letters if you want to make the hidden messages more hidden ! For stand alone mazes (non-hidden words) you could add a depth to these letters to give them a 3D look.

alphabet axonometric letters mazed

Click below to download the template as an svg file. Available for personal use ONLY, no commercial use without prior consent.

If you get stuck making your own letters, use these as reference.

You could use these letters to make a maze of your name. I have 5 different How-to make a maze of your name versions that would might interest you. And if you just want to print out your name as a maze, I probably have it done already in my name maze section, and if I do not you can request it !

Math Maze Template

So you want to make your own Math Mazes but you want a bit of a help. Well, I will assume you have already read my blog post How to Make a Math Maze. I have made 6 different templates (11 total including variations) to get you started on making the math mazes you want. I do not include any math, just empty, ready to go templates. These templates can be used from anything from simple addition, to order of operations, fractions, counting, and much more !

Math Maze Template #1

This template is a 3 x 4 in landscape with pre-stated Start and Goal in the corners. It also includes some extra diagonal pathways for additional possible answers. Questions go in the rectangles, and possible answers on the pathways leading from the rectangles. The template will print in landscape.

3x4 math maze template

Math Maze Template #2

A similar maze template in landscape in 3x4. This template uses ovals and has less options of movement between them. Again, the math equations go in the ovals while the answers go in the pathways !

3x4 math maze template circles

Math Maze Template #3 (2 versions)

This template is oriented in portrait and uses a 3 x 5 grid with a pre-selected Start and Goal. The version on the right includes extra branches for more possible answers.

3x5 math maze template
3x5 math maze template many options

Math Maze Template #4 (2 versions)

This is a large format maze template, in portrait, 4 x 7 with a flexible Start and Goal. If you want to make a large math maze, this is your template !

4x7 large math maze template
4x7 large math maze template options

Math Maze Template #5 (2 versions)

Landscape 5x4 templates. The first with simple branches, the the second with more possible pathways for possible answers.

4x5 large math maze template
4x5 large math maze template options

Math Maze Template #6 (3 versions)

This format works best for children’s counting mazes. There is extra space at the top of the template to write the directions to solve the maze. An example would be, count and move by 2’s to solve the maze, or solve the maze moving only between numbers divisible by 3. This does not work for mathematical equations per say, but for counting, it works well. Comes in 2 sizes, plus an option to draw in your own Start and Goal items for kids. Some examples would be a rabbit to a carrot, a leprechaun to a pot of gold, or a dog to his doghouse. I’m sure you can think of many more !

Math maze counting template
Math maze counting template blank
Math maze counting template large