A Collection of Maze Design Case Studies to improve your Mazes

This post is meant to pull together all of my case studies on making mazes for easy reference. As I add new case studies, this post will be updated. There are over 30 posts to read, but I have organized them into larger sections to help get you to the content you are interested in easier.

In my very large section on How to Make a Maze I include a post on maze art which includes a case study at the end to illustrate the post:

How to Create Maze Art in 6 Easy Steps + Case Study

The first set of 6 case studies show a maze that I did not like, then I worked on them to improve them for the site:

Case Study#1 - How to Improve a Bad Maze - Tiki Totem Maze

Case Study#2 - How to Improve a Bad Maze - Danzante Conchero Chichimeca Maze

Case Study#3 - How to Improve a Bad Maze - Red Rocks Amphitheatre Maze

Case Study#4 - How to Improve a Bad Maze - The Hollywood Sign

Case Study #5 - How to Improve a Bad Maze - Severance Hall

Case Study#7 - How to Improve a Bad Maze - Ship

The next set of 6 case studies show a maze that I considered to be good, but I still took steps to improve them. They were all inspired by a blog post about improving existing maze art, Maze Art: Advanced Tips to Creating Your Own Masterpiece.

Maze Art Case Study - Bodiam Castle Maze Coloration & Improvement

  • I wanted to give you an example of what this looks like in practice. The before on the left side and the after on the right side:

Half and Half maze example

Case Study#6 - How to Improve a Maze - Uxmal

Case Study#8 - Improving Previous Mazes

Case Study#9 - Improving a Maze - Taj Mahal

Case Study#10 - Improving a Maze - Templo de Sangre de Cristo

Maze of the week #65B - Bridge Guardian Maze Updatd and Improved

And finally we have case studies on specific maze design topics that I pulled together:

Case Study#11 - Making Mazes with Shadows

Using Color for Maze Pathways - A Case Study

Maze Solving Case Study - Using the Reverse Fill Solving Method

Case Study - Making Maze Art in 3 Different Difficulties

Case Studies on Specific Maze Types:

Creating a Hidden Maze - Case Study #1

Maze Design Case Study - Designing a Grid Maze in Different Difficulty Levels

Arrow Mazes got a 14 Part series that is either for you or not. If you have never tried an Arrow Maze, I suggest you do !:

Arrow Maze Construction and Design:

Arrow Maze Components:

Extreme Arrow Maze examples:

I also did a 3 part series to help you invent your own maze types. While these are not case studies I believe the content fits here well:

Part 1 - Options for Starting and Ending a Maze

Part 2 - Maze Pathway options

Part 3 - Conditional Pathway options